30 June 2009
Critical Mass event Amsterdam
29 June 2009
lovefood.nl Sunday brunch @ the Noorder Markt, Amsterdam
Activities in Amsterdam for children 3 and up
1 - Tunfun @ Waterloopplein. Indoor playground, great for a rainy day for kids of every age, even adults!:) They have separate sections for each age group, so kids under two have a play area, kids 2-4, 5 -8, all the way up to adult games such as the large inflatable castles that you have been dying to jump into since you yourself were 12 and no longer allowed. They also have scooters, trampolines, basketball, etc... Furthermore there are adult areas where you can see the kids as they play stocked with magazines. There is also a small cafe with sandwiches, hot dogs, drinks, etc...
2 - Petting zoos / Kinderboederij @ there is a pretty large one in Westerpark, another one in De Pijp, and another in Watergraafsmeer near the Science Park. These are farms set-up with the intention to educate city people (not just kids) about farm life and animals.
3- Kinderkook cafe / Kid cafe off Vondelpark. Kids can make there own food, pizza's cupcakes, sandwiches. They also have "adult food". Furthermore they have have an indoor play place and an outside playground with sandbox and a swing set.
4 - I have enjoyed going to the museums with kids 4 and up, when they first open before lunch time. I found the kids really liked this as well, as you can talk to them about the stories in paintings, and colors, etc... It proved be an interactive adventure. I first suggest getting a Museumkaart, which is an annual pass for many museums throughout NL. Included on this list, as well as interesting places to bring kids is the Van Gogh, the Rijksmuseum, and FOAM! But again I would only recommend going in the morning with kids under 10, as unfortunately guests seem to be annoyed with younger children in the museum.
5 - Also, this may seem like a strange one, but for many kids who are just visiting Amsterdam or Europe for that matter, it might be interesting to do a train station visit. Just walk up on the tracks anywhere in the train station, bring a snack and let your little ones be amazed with the locomotives. Also if they like this you might want to check out the huge cruise ships at the passengers terminal. And take a free ride back and forth from the free ferries behind Central Station.
6 - Pannenkoeken boat - eat pancakes and let your kids jump in ball pits while enjoying the river IJ.
7 - Furthermore I recommend going to street markets. They are safe for kids to walk, since there are no cars and there is lots to discover.
26 June 2009
Updates for the Weekend of 26 - 28th of June
The grand opening of the new port at Ijburg: music, food, artists, activities all surrounding the water. Including an "Ij-ontbijt" (breakfast), and architecture tour.
Why go? Check out the new neighborhood & the inventive creative architecture and design.
Reiner Voet & Pigalle44 @ Eetcafe Langendijk (next to Brouwerij 't Ij), Sunday,16.30, FREE Django jazz, with a twist of gypsy
Why go? 1st check out the neighbooring bar - the Brouwerij 't Ij (organic brewery in a windmill), then catch some funky tunes on the dijk.
Silvio's Secret Sardegna Sand at Sexy Party summer beach party @ Badhuistheater de Bochel, Saturday, 22.00, FREE.
Literally from the advertisements (translated) "Berlusconi knows how to have a party. Dance your feet off at this Italian dance party."
Why go? mojitos and an Italian dance party? what else do we need...
Vondelpark Openluchttheater (Open Air Theater), Friday - Sunday, various times see previous post for detials, FREE, stuff for kids.
Why go? every weekend until September enjoy different shows, theater, music, etc...
Van Gogh Museum Avond, @ the Van Gogh Museum, Friday 19 - 22, entrée to museum, but free with Museumkaart, stuff for older kids.
Every Friday the Museum presents live museum or a special exhibitions with entree. This Friday they present "the animation table: Avant-gardes '20/'60" exhibition - animation from 1920s Russian pioneers, such as the so-called father of Russian animation- Ivan Ivanov- Vano. Moniek van der Kaaden will set up all the apparatus and explain the basics of preparing and recording stop motion animation films in the central hall of the museum. During the evening the films will be projected on a big screen in the central hall and after wards you'll be able to view them on the website. Take an advance look on vimeo.com/animatietafels. DJ Dirkson will accompany the visual show with acoustic and electronic audiowaves.
This is a monthly market, it is huge. I have been to this market a few times and have not seen a lot of clothes which I expected, although there is lots of stuff for filling a house, antiques, toys, furniture, knick-knacks, etc... furthermore the stands change frequently and this outside/open air version is much larger than the inside market. There is also music and food & drinks available.
Why go? Check out Noord and find some unique items for your coffee table - perhaps something Kitsch Kitchen-esque??:) at half the price.
Wielie and Adil exhitbition @ de Creatieve Groote Club, Damrak 70 (the old C&A office), final weekend, unknown price.
Judith and Edith (two artists) walked the streets of Amsterdam, listening to peoples conversations, made cartoons out of them and affixed them lawn/garden chairs (klapstoeltje).
Why go? certainly off beat and unique.
Friday - @ Kompaszaal (KNSM-Laan 311)
Saturday @ het Zonnehuis (Noord) + a blues party 'til late
Sunday @ rowing boat club Willem III at the bank of the river Amstel (see website)
Why go? lovely locations, big band music
Upcoming films - "If..." June 29th & "Objectified" July 2nd
The last film of Krieterion's Modern Classic month - films from the late 60s. "If..." is a film about a crazy group of boys at a public school in England in the early 60s. Winner of the Grand prix Cannes (1969).
Why go? keep up with the classics
Objectified, film @ Smart Project Space, Arie Biemondstraat 105-113, Thursday, July 2nd, two showings 19.00 & 21.30, €12. Post-film Q&A with director Gary Hustwit after each screening.
"Objectified is a feature-length documentary about our complex relationship with manufactured objects and, by extension, the people who design them. It’s a look at the creativity at work behind everything from toothbrushes to tech gadgets. It’s about the designers who re-examine, re-evaluate and re-invent our manufactured environment on a daily basis. It’s about personal expression, identity, consumerism, and sustainability.
Through vérité footage and in-depth conversations, the film documents the creative processes of some of the world’s most influential product designers, and looks at how the things they make impact our lives. What can we learn about who we are, and who we want to be, from the objects with which we surround ourselves?" - from objectifiedfilm.com
Why go? an intimate discussion with the director after each filming, only being shown in special screenings
25 June 2009
Upcoming Event - Le Madison collective dance event
Artist Annja Krautgasser challenges you to learn the Madison Dance Steps from the movie "Band of Outsiders" (Jean-Luc Godard, 1964) via online lessons and then come to the dance event to remake the dancing scene in a video shooting! This is a collective dance, more information and the first two dance lessons can be found at: http://www.le-madison.net
24 June 2009
Weekend of June 24 - 28
There is plenty to do this weekend: lots to do in the sun, lots of films and fun stuff to do with the kids (I created a separate section for kids stuff this week, but some events are also embedded in the general agenda). Check out: last weekend of the World Press Photos, Amsterdam Noord exhibition about urban regeneration plans, free opera in Oosterpark and the Dutch air guitar competition.
I am certain that by Friday I will have even more updates but I wanted to get this out there for you ASAP! So enjoy and please remember I am not a corporate gal, no one is paying me to do this agenda; so if you appreciate it and find it useful, "buy me a bier/koffie" via clicking on my ads so I can keep some liquids in my belly and keep producing this agenda for you!
An annual exhibition exhibiting the winners of the World Press Photo Contest.
Why go? A photographic journey through 2008's best pictures, and a visit to the Oude Kerk.
A packed program of theater, dance, film, cabaret, workshops etc...
Why go? support the performing arts
It is a tradition during the Holland Festival for the de Nederlandse Opera to hold a performance in the Oosterpark. Bizet's Carmen will be performed live via a large screen direct from Het Muziektheater Amsterdam.
Why go? Enjoy the Oosterpark and see a free opera!
Annual food festival, see top chefs in action, taste dishes from 15 Dutch restaurants, enjoy fine wines, shop, educate yourself.
Why go? check out the local food scene in the lovely Amstel Park.
SICA and the Prince Claus Fund invited Rwandan actress, writer and cultural manager Odile Gakire Katese to talk about her artistic activities that deal with the trauma of genocide in Rwanda.
Why go? An intimate interview in the "hidden church".
Readings about the Masters of Amsterdam exhibition in English by the curator, Norbert Middelkoop.
Why go? a special guide in English
Thursday - Mamma Blessing, starts at 20.00, €4. Film about Nigerian immigrant and family, in Dutch with English subtitles.
Friday - Music, speakers, drinks and a film "Het woord heeft mij gered" @ Buurtboederij, Spaarndammerdijk 319, Westerpark, openair film, starts at 22.30, FREE, in Dutch with English subtitles.
Saturday - Film for kids about children who are refugees for 8 years and older, starts at 16.00, €2, in Dutch with English subtitles.
Also Saturday meal at 18.00 in Zaal 100 and night film "Welcome", starts at 20.00,
€4, in Dutch with English subtitles.
Closing party at 22.00 Zaal 100.
Why go? understand what it is happening/the process of refugees in the Netherlands via film and discussion.
From June 14 - August 2 a third edition of the Gay and Lesbian Summer Tour plays at Rialto. There is a program of ten gay and lesbian films. Friday - "Chuecatown" (Boystown) 23.00 Spanish with Dutch subtitles. Saturday - "Latter Days" 23.00 English with Dutch subtitles. Sunday - I Can't Think Straight, 16.00 English with Dutch subtitles & Cowboys & Angels, 18.45 English with Dutch subtitles.
Why go? This is the first showing of these films in the Netherlands.
"Weak Signals, Wild Cards is a commissioning project and exhibition by the participants of de Appel Curatorial Programme 08/09. Set in Amsterdam Noord, it invites ten artists and a number of speakers from other fields to react to the given plans for the area and conjure a set of alternative futures. The artists have created works for and from their envisioned future contexts, while the speakers will foretell their imagined futures of Amsterdam Noord, from the perspectives of their expertise...Amsterdam Noord is currently faced with a bevy of visions of its imminent regeneration. The predictions being made revolve dizzyingly around of the ‘Creative City’, which implicates not only artists but an expanded creative subjectivity in its conception of a society made up of self-reliant, resourceful individuals on a constant quest for self-improvement. This combined vision of the future ‘Creative City’ is so strongly anticipated and visualized that one gets the feeling that one could already inhabit the space of this mirage." - Weak Signals, Wild Cards
Opening: Friday 26th June 2009 19.00, light refreshments will be served.
Exhibition: Wednesday - Sundays 27th June – 27th July 2009, 12.00 - 18.00
Talks & performances: 2–8pm, Sunday 28th June 200, and later dates in English and Dutch.
Why go? interested in urban studies? - learn about the urban regeneration of Amsterdam Noord and its impact through the eyes of artists
ZOOmeravond /summer night @ Artis (the zoo), various programs, 18.30 - 22.00, price of zoo, every Saturday until September.
A broad program with a little bit for everyone- 2 music stages (this week a South American band), theater of 20 shows, a kinderboederij (petting zoo) and other creative activities for kids!
Why go? see the animals go to sleep?!
Architecture Day: City on Wheels, @ ARCAM, Sunday, various prices, some events free, stuff for older kids.
Given by ARCAM, and the Association of Dutch Architects:Kring Amsterdam-Kennemerland an exhibition of BMXers and other 'wheel artists' give demonstrations, other presentations by public space experts, and a bike tour at the Oosterdoks. The route map ‘City on Wheels’, which accompanies the guided tours in Dutch, contains information about the architecture and the paving on the route. The cost of the guided tours is 5 euros (including transport and publication).
Why go? check out the BMXers
Monthly market selling food, drinks, goods with a focus of local and or organic products.
Why go? take a walk in the park, eat some fudge!
Real American Beer Pong @ Boom Chicago (Leidseplein), Friday, sign up starts at 23.00, €12.50 (includes beer).
"Teams of two compete in throwing ping pong balls into cups of beer. Everybody has fun; everybody drinks beer. It's a sport (sort of). It’s tongue-in-cheek (definitely) and the best two teams win cash prizes. Boom Chicago’s Bierbal takes place in the theater every last Friday of the month." - Boom Chicago
Why go? re-live / or experience an American frat party in Boom Chicago's theater.
DIT & GNOT experimental rock music @ Zaal 100, Wedensday, 21.00, €8.
DIT is a bass and drums player that since 2003 is busy making experimental rock music. duo (bas / drums) dat sinds 2003 actief is en experimentele rockmuziek maakt. Their last record 'dissolving images of idiotic ambitions' was picked up by rock legend Steve Albini. GNOT has been part of the Amsterdam scene since the 90's- making psychedelic noise.
Why go? expereince something a bit different for your ears.Thursday
Coverband night @ mp3, Thursday, 22 - late, €3.
simply put, live coverbands.
Rocknacht/ Rock Night @ Volta (Westerpark), Thursday and Friday, various times, € 5.
Volta prides itself on only booking local bands, this weekend they have two evenings of local rock: Thursday Hardzeer, Labcane, 20u, € 5; and Friday a benefit with Niños de Guatemala & Delirium, Neutral Enemy, The Hangouts + special guest, 20.30, € 6.
Why go? check out the local scene.
Dutch Air guitar finale / Finale Nederlands Luchtgitaar Kampioenschap 2009 @ Paradiso, Friday, doors open at 19.30 Friday, €10.
Yes, an air guitar competition!:) Need I say more?
Johnny Cash tribute band, Boy Named Sue @ Maloe Melo (in Jordaan), Friday, 21.00, €5.
Why go? some Johnny Cash in a gezellige blues bar.
Lunation @ Skek (Zeedijk) Friday, 22.00, FREE.
They consider themselves "jazzers, rockers and rollers". Skek calls it their funky Friday, you be the judge.
Why go? a guaranteed intimate concert with some funkiness:)
Echobowie (Bowie tribute band) @ Toomler (next to the Hilton Hotel in Oud Zuid), Friday, 23.00, FREE.
A Dutch Bowie tribute band that ONLY plays David Bowie numbers.
Why go? usually the Toomler is reserved for comedy acts, tonight enjoy some tunes.
Elvis Disco, @ Cruise Inn (Zeeburgereiland, past Flevopark, over the bridge) Saturday, 21 - late, €15.
Elvis rock 'n roll party with lots of music (djs and live bands).
Why go? guaranteed best party of the weekend, lots of people dressed up and lots of good tunes to boggie to... & 2 euro beer.
Monthly mini festival with film, animation, Djs, dancing, improv, and live bands. You are encouraged to dress-up and have a ball!:)
Why go? If you haven't been to Studio K yet, this Saturday is the day to go. They can pull off parties where everyone feels at home.
A melodische band from Denmark with 60's giutar riffs.
Why go? enjoy the atmosphere of music in the old pakhuis/storage center
Open podium flamenco and tapas in the Jordaan.
Hofjes - & Pleinconcerten @ Rozenhofje (Rozengracht 147-181), Sunday, 15.00, FREE.
Classical dixieland music from the "Amsterdam Chamber Group".
Why go? live music on the square
Stuff for kids
Elleboog wijkt uit / Children's circus, @ Bos en Lommer (Wachterliedplantsoen), final days Wednesday - Sunday, FREE, for kids!
Annual children's circus, but a little bit for everyone - young and old. Circus acts, workshops, exciting shows and activities.
Why go? enjoy the kid in you! Be a part of a 60-year-old tradition
Opera in the Park, @ Oosterpark, only Thursday, starts at 19.30, FREE, stuff for older kids (also above).
It is a tradition during the Holland Festival for the de Nederlandse Opera to hold a performance in the Oosterpark. Bizet's Carmen will be performed live via a large screen direct from Het Muziektheater Amsterdam.
Why go? Enjoy the Oosterpark and see a free opera!
Film Festival in support of the ASKV (support centre for refugees), @ Filmhuis Cavia, Saturday, €2, for kids 8 and older (also above with list of other films).
Film for kids about children who are refugees for 8 years and older, starts at 16.00, €2, in Dutch with English subtitles.
Also Saturday meal at 18.00 in Zaal 100.
Why go? an interesting way to talk to kids about refugees
Architecture Day: City on Wheels, @ ARCAM, Sunday, various prices, some events free, stuff for older kids (also above).
Given by ARCAM, and the Association of Dutch Architects:Kring Amsterdam-Kennemerland an exhibition of BMXers and other 'wheel artists' give demonstrations, other presentations by public space experts, and a bike tour at the Oosterdoks. The route map ‘City on Wheels’, which accompanies the guided tours in Dutch, contains information about the architecture and the paving on the route. The cost of the guided tours is 5 euros (including transport and publication).
Why go? check out the BMXers
Monthly market selling food, drinks, goods with a focus of local and or organic products.
Why go? a good excuse to get outside with the little ones
Vet kinder cabaret /kids cabaret, @ Vondelpark Open Air Theater/openlucht theater, Saturday, 14.00, FREE, for kids of all ages.
Laugh, dance, sing, enjoy, a cabaret made for parents/adults and kids!
Why go? enjoy the open air theater in Vondelpark
ZOOmeravond /summer night @ Artis (the zoo), various programs, 18.30 - 22.00, prices of zoo, every Saturday until September (also above).
A broad program with a little bit for everyone- 2 music stages (this week a Zuid American band), theater of 20 shows, a kinderboederij (petting zoo) and other creative activities for kids!
Why go? see the animals go to sleep?!
Also on my radar, though not in Amsterdam
Camera Mundo film Festival @ Rotterdam, Friday - Sunday, various locations, times and prices.
Brazillian film festival and discussions.
Why go? support young filmmakers and a trip to Rotterdam
domain name live!
23 June 2009
under 30 and not yet seen an opera?
Under 30 and haven't seen an opera yet? flirt with the opera, a behind the scenes look at the opera, with broodjes and drinks.
Why go? A good discount on tickets if you are under 30 and experience your first opera
22 June 2009
Live Silent Film Tuesday and Wednesday
A recently restored silent French film, by Abel Gance from 1919. The film criticizes the horror of modern warfare during World War I, through the story of two men who are in love with the same woman at the front lines of war. The silent film will be accompanied with live music. English subtitles.
Why go? This is the last copy remaining of J'accuse, and you can see a live silent film in the lovely Vondelpark.
19 June 2009
Updates for the Weekend of June 19 - 21

Dus architects are building a temporary summer house/shack on the beach. Come enjoy this temporary attraction
Why go? a free beach party
DierbaarBestiarium #1 / "exhibition about the various relationship we have with animals" @ also at the Illuseum, opening is Friday at 19.00 'til midnight.
Drinks, food, and events for the opening, from then on the exhibition is open Thursdays, Fridays from 14.00 - 17.00 and Sundays from 19.00 - 23.00
Why go? check out this up-and-coming neighbourhood in De Baarjes.
A films that aims to inspire you to think from Headspace Studios, located in Cape Town, features more than 20 important minds of our age. "A cyberpunk's search for enlightenment" Also see myspace preview.
Why go? it is a global premiere of a film that is also going to the Cannes and free coffee!
The Kriterion Cinema Discutabel together with de Hortus Botanicus Amsterdam presetn a program about Darwin's evolution. A program of short films and fragments from Hollywood films that address how we see ourselves (in the last hundred generations), and then a discussion lead by Thomas Van Slobbe (in Dutch).
Why go? a look at pop culture/film's take on Darwin
The summer program of the annual independent film festival (the big festival is in the fall). Check out previews of the films here.
Why go? lots of unique films, part of the Hague Festivals.
17 June 2009
Weekend of June 18 - 21
Although you can't see the behind the scenes work, lots of things are happening here on my end as well. This little project is turning into something much bigger; it is my aim is to get a real functional website up (meaning easier access and organization of the agenda with calendar options, and other points of interests) in the next week. That being said my success, and thus the continued posting of this agenda depends also in part on you, please pass this on to others, send me links to interesting events, and don't be afraid to click on my little ads (these little pennies keep caffeine flowing through me so I can post this for you every week)!
Happenings in Amsterdam the weekend of June 19 - 20
Its Festival (International Theatre School), @ various locations, starts June 19th - 27th, € 12.
A packed program of theater, dance, film, cabaret, workshops etc...
Why go? support the performing arts
Open Tuin Dagen (Open Garden Days), various locations, Friday - Sunday, 10 -17, €15/three day ticket, for older kids.
The Open Tuin Dagen allows you a peak behind the often closed doors of the 17th-century canal house's gardens. The ticket gets you past the doors into the lovely hidden green spaces of 30 gardens, 15 of them which have never been revealed to the public before.
Why go? enjoy the often hidden spaces of the Grachtengordel.
Why go? Free stuff to do in Vondelpark, lots of world music this weekend, and a really nice temporary food stand with broodjes.
Check out the open art studios of Zuidoost, music, art, food, dance...
Why go? See what's up in Zuidoost, pick up some yummy food.
Just Friday:
Open air film "Double Indemnity" @ Buurtboederij, Spaarndammerdijk 319, Westerpark, Friday, around 22.15/when dark, FREE.
A U.S. film (in English no subtitles) from 1944, love and murder!
Why go? cozy up under the stars and enjoy film-noir.
Just Saturday:
The grand re-opening of Amsterdam's Hermitage Museum, Saturday, 10 - 17, cost of museum but free with Museumkaart, stuff for kids.
The re-opening of Amsterdam's Hermitage Museum. After over two years of construction the resorted 17th-century Hermitage, on the Amstel opens again, with ten times the amount of space! The independent museum exhibits a unique look into Russia’s artistic heritage. Also a cafe, and large education center for children and a studiecenturm.
Why go? a unique look at Russia history and art which can only be seen in few other cities in the world, and a good place to take a quick break after your Saturday market visits- just across the street from the Waterlooplein.
All night art festival: music, shows, art installations, private and public galleries, haunted play house/circus. Official opening with the nachtburgemeesters (night majors) at 23.00 at het oude Kadasterpand.
Why go? A good excuse to roam the City streets and canals
Just Sunday:
Sunday Market, @ Westerpark, 12 - 18, FREE, stuff for kids.
After the success of the two other markets this past year in Westerpark (the Xmas and Spring markets) another so-named "funky" market will be held in the park, with a theme of Midsummer Lounge. The market promises art and design goods, vintage clothes and retro objects "whilst lounging your day away". See pics from the past Spring market.
Why go? good for a lovely Sunday stroll
Come sing along to the songs of Harry Bannink (famous Dutch singer for musical and children's songs). You get a free cd with the ticket, and book of lyrics.
Why go? Fun thing to do with the little ones on a rainy day, and perhaps, if you are Dutch, you will enjoy singing as well!
Wandeling de Zuidas @ starting point Beethovenstraat en Prinses Irene straat, Sunday, 14.00, €10, in Dutch.
A guided walk through the new :woon/werkomgeving" neighbourhood and discussions about the development as a business center for the Amsterdam region.
Why go? you are interesting in what is happening at de Zuidas, while you are there check out the new CasZuidas project- "moving images in public space" is the title of an urban screen arts initiative
Just Friday:
Italian 60's Night! @ de Nieuwe Anita, Friday, starts at 20.00, entree €7.50.
Amsterdam Beat Club/Radio Oh La La goes Cinecittà with an Italian '60s night with d/vj-duo-The Scopi-Tonics, dj Nataska and dj Gillette, a Boccaccio Burlesque show and other surprises. Also serving Italian food and dry martini's.
Why go? a formalized squat with a living room type bar feeling and dance floor!
Why go? the museum is usually viewed only by appointment, so get a rare chance to see this little space filled with jazz!
Two showings of Ki Enthus Susmono's Javanese puppet shows, with his famous twist (adding famous film and television characters, cartoon figures and world leaders: Bush, Bin Laden and Batman, the Teletubbies and Harry Potter). It is a bit expensive for my liking, although I would love to go but instead I might check out the exhibition of his works @ Tropenmuseum ending June 25th, various prices, free with a Museumkaart.
Why go? Ki Enthus Susmono's work is known for pushing the limits of traditional puppetery towards the pop culture = something different.
Just Saturday:
Amsterdam Soul Club @ de Badcuyp Zuidpool, Saturday, 22.00, €6.
Music and video clips from the 'classic soul' period 1960s - begining of 1970s.
Why go? Enjoy some Motown in an old bath house.
Just Sunday:
Amsterdam Roots Festival, Sunday June 21st, 13 - 21.30, FREE, stuff for kids.
International and national artists at six podiums, as well as a "world market" with 100 food, culture, and music stands. This years Amsterdam Roots Festival is focusing on Mediterranean Music.
Why go? An annual music festival with lots of world music in the lovely Oosterpark.
FraFra-Sound is a Surinamese, Caribbean band who plans African, Caribbean, Latin-American soul, blues, funk, jazzy music. This is a "koffieconcert" meaning
Weather permiting the band will set up outside, otherwise in the church.
Why go? First enjoy some music then climb the tower for €1.50 and see a unique view of the city.
Loveland Pre-Party @ Woodstock, Bloemendaal Beach, Sunday 15 - 23, €10, free for ticket holders.
Annual summer musical festivals pre-party event. Djs, live bands.
Why go? can one really get enough Loveland (I must admit I have never been but I never stop hearing about it in the summer! There are so many Loveland stories!:)
Even if you don't have the cash to make to this party, you should be aware of its significance- ten years ago Club RoXy, THE club, burned down; with that so left the most liberal, open-minded clubs and era in the City. RoXy started in 1987 on the Singel between de Munt and Koningsplein. It was known for its fabulous themed parties, overly glamourous, theater-sque, multimedia, and decor, as well as its tolerance for drug use. This is a comenration of the club, with a two day party at Paradiso, a book, a photo exhitbition, etc...
Why go? if you have the cash, go re-live the 90s in style!
Also on my radar, though not in Amsterdam:
Roze Zaterdag in Den Haag, various locations, Saturday, 13 -23 FREE.
Following a week of discussions and conferences around homo-emancipation and society, the organization Roze Zaterdag also holds a festical in Den Haag, usual festival happenings: music, parties, circus, dancing, food, beer...plus a "gay classic car club" parade, and pink market.
Why go? well-know gay festival, with an ABBA tribute band!
Terschellings Oerol Festival, in Terschelling (island in the North of NL), final weekend, €15 for a weekend pass.
Creative music, dance, theather festival on the beautiful island of Terschelling.
Why go? something to do after wadlopen (walking between islands during low tide).
15 June 2009
Pop-up cafe opens in de Baarsjes
“The Pop-Up Café is a temporary exhibition that will take place from June 6 until August 2 at Meneer de Wit Gallery in Amsterdam. It’s a place that looks and functions as a café. A place where you can socialize, drink coffee, experience art, read books & attend events, all within the pop-up theme. Imagine foldable stools, paper walls, pop-up ceramics, one-off events, a pop-up bookstore, how-to lectures, dinners & brunches. The Pop-Up Café is an exhibition & café during the day, with lectures, presentations, movies, dinners, music and parties during the evening and night.” from official posting.
This cafe is an exhibition, not a formalized cafe, as it is much cheaper and easier to open an exhibition space and sell food and drinks, than it is to get permits and such in the heavily regulated country of the Netherlands!:)
Why go? see spontaneity in action and enjoy a coffee in this "non-cafe"
14 June 2009
play with Legos, register before June 15th
Why go? a good excuse to play with Legos
Orchestra of pop songs Wednesday, June 17th
Why go? support students, visit the old stock trading house (de beurs).
JUST IN & TODAY Amsterdam Global Picnic in Oosterpark
A market, music, dance, and stories, as well as promised "smeuige gerechten en sterke verhalen" (tasty food and strong stories).
Why go? while on your Sunday stroll try some new foods from various kitchens: Mid-eastern, Mediterranean, Jewish, Tibetan, slow food, etc...
13 June 2009
Royal Palace on the Dam re-opens Sunday June 14
The Paleis op de Dam has been closed since September 2005 to remove asbestos but lots of other improvements were made.
Why go? see the floor map of Europe, and a sneak peak into the Royal House of Oranje.
12 June 2009
work in NY? - The NY 400 Job Swap
According to the official post, "Participant pairs will be chosen to represent the richest possible range of jobs, traditional as well as unorthodox, in order to highlight the enterprising spirit and strong work ethic shared by both New Yorkers and Amsterdammers. In the beginning of September 2009 colleagues on both sides of the Atlantic will get to know each other’s work and culture. And you can participate!"
11 June 2009
List of gratis / free WiFi spots in Amsterdam
More additions to June 11 - 14 agenda
Sound Clothing, @ Mediamatic, ongoing exhibition various days, 13.00 - 17.00, make reservation 020 638 9901, 25 euros (bring your own garment and get an electronic kit).
Nadya Peek, a researcher at the MIT Media Lab, presents a series of workshops where you can explore electro-clothing: clothing that lights up in the dark, sings when it is touched and moves when it is cold. Bring your own garment to technify!
Why go? make an extremely unique outfit!
Exhibition 'Repairing' is an interactive, improv repair station where you can mend the holes in your sweater, darn socks in remarkable ways including a rainbow of colors selection of duct tapes in stock.
Why go? something certainly off the beaten track.
Why go? Get ideas about how to build a vertical garden on your balcony
10 June 2009
JUST IN - Rock 'n roll party Saturday June 13th
08 June 2009
Weekend of June 11 - 14
Again, I seek to make an exhaustive, yet manageable list of events that aren't typically on mainstream agendas/radars. These listings are in no particular order. And again I don't aim to include a film schedule, nor museum exhibitions but rather highlight special films and or exhibitions, that I think might be of interest to you (or me!:).
Please send me your comments and events if you don't see them on here. So here it goes..
Happenings in Amsterdam
the "weekend" of June 11 -13:
Vondelpark Openluchttheather (Open Air Theater), Friday - Sunday, various times see previous post for detials, FREE, stuff for kids.
Why go? THE TUNES!! - the most popular band of the year, and winners of this year's Amsterdam Popprijs play on Sunday at 16.00 (see below under Music).
The festival aims to explore the connections between the history of cinema and television and art by portraying the intimate stories, lives, details of these artists lives. Films and discussions from all art fields: music, literature, theatre, dance, cinema, architecture, painting, sculpture, visual art and media art. Also see FREE seminar on film-making and architecture on Friday, June 12.
Why go? lots of films about the Dutch 'architectural god' - Rem Koolhaas, films in French, and also Chinese urban and rural development.
Life in Fragments presents critical views on the Israeli military occupation by screening activist videos. These are short films with no narratives, just fragments of lived experiences. Made by human rights organizations and individual activists, both Israelis and Palestinians.
Why go? an intimate look at the Israel-Palestine conflict.
The exhibition gets an overview of the recent developments in the work of an entire generation of young Georgian artists.
Why go? A glimpse into life in Georgia and its modern artists, and a nice bike ride to Amstelveen.
Exhibition 'Repairing' is an interactive, improv repair station where you can mend the holes in your sweater, darn socks in remarkable ways including a rainbow of colors selection of duct tapes in stock.
Just Friday Events:
"Opening Soon / Opening Now: Turkish Snack bar", Korsjespoortsteeg 23, Friday 18 - midnight, free exhibition but you mise well buy a Turkse pizza. The "Turkish Snack bar", a project by Laurence Aëgerter, is a temporary transformation (lasting only these six hours) of the former brother (street between Herengracht and Singel, two bridges from Amsterdam Central Station). "Opening Soon / Opening Now" is the title of a year project Laurence Aëgerter is developing for RED A.I.R. Korsjespoortsteeg 23 was originally assigned to Aëgerter as a studio. She chose not to use the space as a studio however, but as a place to question her role as an artist in the city's political plans of gentrification in Amsterdam. She will apply 8 new public and semi-public functions to the space.
Why go? it is temporary, so you got one chance! (at least until the next transformation), and its Turkish pizza=yummy.
Just Saturday Events:
Het Concertgebouw Opening, Saturday 10 - 18, FREE, stuff for kids.
The Concertgebouw opens it's doors with a big celebration on the Concertgebouwplein (the square in front of the Concert Building near Museumplein). Diverse amateur music talents at the podium of various genres, including hiphop, classical music, "bucket music" (pots, pans, buckets, bottle music- aka Stomp-esque), tap dancing, karaoke with a live piano player (open zangpodium), and a silent disco. Also workshops for the kids which include building musical instruments, an India-style musical show and a treasure hunt (kinderspeurtocht) in Het Concertgebouw. Food and drinks are available, as well as pottertjes (tiny Dutch pancakes).
Why go? lots of enjoyment for you ears and a nice break from your Saturday shopping.
Inspired from the World Wide Kitting in Public Day initiative and advertised as a creative day at the public square; you are asked to bring your knitting needles and or crochet hooks and see what happens as you do crafty things with others (share ideas, help each other, etc...).
Why go? There will be an inter-active knitting performance, people spinning yarn, projects with recycled materials as well as food and drinks to keep your fingers working!
Just Sunday Events:
Opera in the Houthavens (the old wood port), Sunday begins at 14.00, FREE.
The Stadsdeel Westerpark organizes an annual open air opera concert in the Houthavens @ Paviljoen Aan 't IJ, Stavangerweg 560 (near Westerpark where the student containers and cruise ship are located). The first opera is Le Prophète written by G.Meyerbeer performed by Hojotoho Management and Cantina Vocaal.
Why go? enjoy music on het IJ.
The "Bewonersgroep Wij van de Wijk" organized a kids market with only kinderspullen (kids toys, clothes, games, etc...).
Why go? support the Transvaalbuurt (neighbourhood).
Entire Weekend Music:
Why go? an un-traditional way to see/listen/enjoy chamber music.
Thursday Music:
Estrella Acosta Trio (Cuba, bossa nova music), @ de Badcuyp Zuidpool, Thursday begins at 20.00, €4 entree or free with a min. €10 purchase of dinner.
Why go? The Badcuyp, off the Albert Cuyp Market, not only has various genres of jazz and world music but also has an organic/biologisch eetcafe serving food from €8 to €14 /plate of the day.
The Oktopedians give an open jazz workshop every Thursday evening. You can join in or just listen to the making of improv jazz. Zaal 100 also has an eethuis. with vegetarian food.
Why go? Learn how to improv and something about jazz musical form, tones, etc...
Friday Music:
Van Gogh Museum Avond, @ the Van Gogh Museum, Friday 20 - 22, entrée to museum, but free with Museumkaart.
Every Friday students from het Conservatorium van Amsterdam provide some background music to your visit to the museum.
Why go? why not enjoy some live music will checking out Van Gogh's work.
Why go? there is at least one ingredient in stamppot that everyone likes.
Saturday Music:
Gumbo Night, @ the KHL Koffiehuis (In Zeeburg, near/across from Java eiland), Saturday begins at 21.00, entree €7.50.
Gumbo night, a weekly event at the KHL celebrates New Orleans music. They also serve cajun food, including gumbo (a stew or soup, originating in Louisiana (south of the US) using ingredients from various cultures of cooking.
Why go? The KHL is known for hosting some of the best bluegrass and blues bands in NL, also it is a very gezellig (cosy) place!
Sunday Music:
The Tunes, @ Vondelpark Openluchttheather, Sunday begins at 16.00, FREE, stuff for kids.
See the most popular band of the year, The Tunes - the winners of this years Amsterdam Popprijs. The music of the Tunes includes a bunch of young aspiring musicians playing there hearts out on the contrabass, harmonica, washboards, etc... all around catchy, fun-loving music. Kids would love it as well.
Why go? catch this up and coming band before they their autographs are really worth something!, a good excuse to dance in Vondelpark.
Los Dolores is a Spanish speaking/singing group from everywhere from Spain to Latin America and Cuba.
Why go? Enjoy music in the intimate Lizboa boat, plus they are releasing a new CD on Saturday so be the first to see them!
Random Events
Why go? If you are interested in the development of the city, and or looking for a new house to buy in the next few years.
The public library is selling books, CDs and DVDs that aren't needed any more, slightly damaged, etc... Books are € .50 each and CD’s and DVD’s: €2 each.
Why go? support the library so that you can have a great collection of update to date books and CDS, also pick up some new books.
UPDATED 11/06/09 Other things on my radar:
Open Atelierroute: Boven 't IJ /Open artist studios @ various locations in Amsterdam-Noord and in the Waterlandse villages of Nieuwendam, Schellingwoude, Durgerdam, Ransdorp and Holysloot, 13 - 18ish, FREE, stuff for the kids.
Various activities, beyond viewing studios, such workshops on graffiti, poem writing, as well as Spanish guitar and hip hop music. And a free South American style music concert at 17.00 Aafke Steenhuis, Nieuwendammerdijk 421, Amsterdam.
Who go? A good excuse to stop on your weekend cycling day-trip, report back to your neighbourhoods about what is happening in Noord!:)
Alice's Fusion Tea Garden, @ Scheltema in Leiden, Saturday - Sunday 12 - 18, FREE, stuff for older kids. Part of the art festival, Land of the Rising Sense, is a multi/mixed media installation looking at cross cultural tea ceremonies and workshops by Toyoko Shimada. A "Wonder Garden" was created.
Sound Clothing, @ Mediamatic, ongoing exhibition various days, 13.00 - 17.00, make reservation 020 638 9901, 25 euros (bring your own garment and get an electronic kit).
Nadya Peek, a researcher at the MIT Media Lab, presents a series of workshops where you can explore electro-clothing: clothing that lights up in the dark, sings when it is touched and moves when it is cold. Bring your own garment to technify!
Why go? make an extremely unique outfit!
Transition Town de Pijp: Town Thee (Tea), @ Swomp, Rustenbursterstraat 438 / 440, Sunday, 12 - 16. The ecological experiment garden Swomp holds a tea for the initiative Transition Towns. A meeting and discussion space to talk about environmental movements, ecology in the city, etc... in de Pijp.
Why go? Get ideas about how to build a vertical garden on your balcony
Just for kids:
Klank-speeltuin/Noise-sound playground, @ in Het Muziekgebouw, open every Wednesday 14.30 - 16.00 and Sunday 12.30 - 14.00 and 14.30 - 16.00. (the workshops take 1.5 hours), 8.50/kid, kids 7 -12, reservations recommended 020-788 2000.
It is a playground where kids can play with sound via music machines, installations and computer set-ups.
Why go? Something different to do with kids on a rainy day.
06 June 2009
Visit an organic farm 06/06 - 06/07 and bike routes
Why might you be interested?: Learn to enjoy the Dutch polderlandscapes (the landscape of the polders/dikes/water systems/reclaimed land), get licked by a furry farm creature, learn about agricultural processes, cyclying!!
Spin-off, 06/06
Why might you be interested?: original tunes, lovely Paradiso (once a church, now a multi-functional music venue).